June 26th 2011

Long Lake…

As I sat outside on a beautiful Sunday morning contemplating about the night before. Such a beautiful day this is, only a shame that I woken up so late in the day that I was not able to enjoy much of the day. I looked at the cover of the book that my supervisor had given me as a gift. “A Sand County Almanac” by Aldo Leopold, can this book be as good as my supervisor said it is? He told me that this book changed his life and the way of seeing things. I guess I will have to read it and see for myself. To my Estella… I read on and read on every sentence makes me think and contemplate. I stop to listen, American Robins, Red wing Black Birds, Northern Cardinals, all singing their heart outs as if they are welcoming this beautiful day and finally enjoying the summer that they so long waited for. Birds singing in the background keep me company while I am alone outside reading and reading and reading, only to be stopped by the gush of winds which also make the birds stop singing momentarily. I stop at May… Now I realize what I have been missing in my life I finally feel as if I am whole. My soul is now fully open to nature. I see what my supervisor meant when he said that the book changed his life. I have only read so little of it and I feel as if I have read it and understood it for ages.

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